FEED IN NEED Drive 4th May 2024
Help us to provide meal to needy – make a donation and Hands up if you’re going for a run today!
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SAI DHAM SANSTHAAN works to improve the access to quality healthcare services for the underprivileged and marginalized communities. We work at the individual, community, and societal levels to develop innovative solutions and ensure the implementation of healthcare by identifying the root causes of healthcare challenges. Better prenatal care, youth counseling, child health and nutrition, and early detection and treatment of contagious diseases are all part of our mission.

Your donation will provide a safe haven for an elderly person, an orphan child, who is homeless. We as a Trust fulfill the physiological need of a person i.e; Food, Shelter & Clothes, and point them in the right direction.

Sai Dham Sansthaan believes that "Health is Wealth", and provide special care to the elderly people & differently-abled. Run health awareness campaigns to educate poor people and for a better tomorrow.

Sai Dham Sansthaan provides stimulating activities, organized games, day-care and basic education programmes for many orphans and low socioeconomic underprivileged children within the Crossing Republik & nearby area.
Sai Dham Sansthaan has approved the 3 time meals projects to benefit Poor and underprivileged people across the Crossing & nearby areas. Under this project 3 time meals will be given for next 3 months against the current situation of COVID-19, this meal will be given absolutely free of cost, along with ensuring the amount of protein.

Your donation helps us to provide:
Daily Meals | Safe Shelter | Self Care
Education | Medical Support
to those people who can not afford
Feed In Need
Orphan Child Education
Girl Child Education
Activities at Sai Dham Sansthaan Trust

5+ Years we are helping helpless people around Delhi-NCR
We at Sai Dham Sansthaan do our best to provide help, via our projects. You can choose a cause to help us do better. Join us today!
Sai Dham Sansthaan Trust intends to support the needy with meals and address the grave issue of hunger. The activity includes providing cooked meals & groceries.

We believe that in order to achieve a better tomorrow, we must act now and eliminate all social evils that appear to exist.
Give a tree to mother nature
Give a tree to mother nature. Under your name, we shall plant a tree for you and nurture it.
The Education They Deserve
Feed in Need
Fun activities at Sai Dham Sansthaan Trust
What Peoples Say
Sai Dham Sansthaan Trust provide opportunities for learning and personal growth to children who come from backgrounds where they may otherwise never would have been given these chances. I have seen how the lives of these have been completely changed due to the support and intervention of the Trust. These are children who may have otherwise fallen through the cracks but who now, thanks to Sai Dham Sansthaan Trust, have a chance at a better life and more meaningful contribution to the society at large. When I see these successes, I feel extremely privileged to be associated with Sai Dham Sansthaan.